It's the last class of the week. All of the children like school, but there is something about Fridays that make everyone a bit nervous and excited, barely able to concentrate on the different plant parts that Mr. Springer is trying to teach them.
Only Cornelia Porridge is still active, raising her hand, even though she is mostly thinking about how she and her mum are going to make scallop cookies when they get home. Winton Dale looks as if he life has run out of him, but his friend James Porridge tells the answer before his sister got the chance!
Joanne Springer pays attention to her father's class, but not even she is that interested, she really wants to go out and play now. Or perhaps play some game!
Finally the last class has ended and Mr. Springer lets the children go. Iona Dale waves him goodbye and Mr. Springer reminds her to do the homework before she goes out to play.
Bruce Springer remembers when he was a child and sat in the same classroom and anxiously awaited when the clock stroke 3 pm on Fridays, so he understands the children. He makes sure to go through the list to see so that he has marked everyone as there.
Then he puts up all the chairs on the desk so that the cleaning lady will be able to sweet the floors. He also cleans the blackboard and make sure that the classroom look nice before he leaves.
The last thing he does is to take some of the papers down from the notice board, to take with him to the recycling bin on his way home. But as soon as he get's home, he is going to get ready for the cricket game tomorrow, this week his team will win against Ewan Dale!
Aw, very sweet! I just discovered your blog via the forum and I love it! The stories are so relatable (especially this one, I hate Friday afternoons!) and the photos very clear and well taken :)